Our Mission

Rejoice & Do Good is dedicated to equipping believers with teaching and tools to understand the bible, be fluent in Truth, and stand firm in their faith.

Why We Started

We want to cultivate a community of Christians that stand firm on the truth (the word of God). "Put on the sword of truth" and prepare to fight this spiritual battle. It is evident that the bible is mocked and evil is praised in today's culture. People want to suit their own fleshly desires vs put their faith in God. Read 2nd Timothy 4:1-8
It is our job, as children of Christ to know the bible deeply so that we can correct, rebuke, and encourage others.

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Nice to Meet You!

Why We Started

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ut ullamcorper libero. Cras lacinia aliquet mauris, nec semper enim vulputate vitae. Mauris nec nisi congue sem suscipit lacinia nec eget libero. Integer bibendum, mi eu pretium sagittis, arcu dui gravida elit, vel aliquam odio ante eu lectus. Curabitur id vehicula ex. 

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Nice to Meet You!

More Than Rubies

The Pursuit of Christian Womanhood

Enter Site

Soldiers of God

Coming soon

The Pursuit of Christian manhood

Our Sub-Brands

While we believe every person should Stand Firm in Your Faith, we also believe God made men and women differently. We are each called in unique ways to reflect His glory. Because of that, we have two sub-brands, one for Women and one for Men ran by the husband-wife team of Rejoice & Do Good.

The women's brand is called More Than Rubies (based on Proverbs 31) and is run by Lorina. In this brand you'll find practical tips to living as a Godly woman, wife, and mother. Lorina will share her journey in discovering what that looks like, and bring different guest speakers on as well.

The man's brand hasn't launched yet as Zach is currently working and going back to school to finish a law degree. Once that is done, we'll launch that brand and have consistent content as well. 

Ecclesiastes 3:12

"I know that there is nothing better for men than to Rejoice & Do Good things while they live."

Lorina poured her heart in making these bible templates for you to have an easy tool to further your Christian education. We take so many notes for school and organize to do lists for work but it's rare we apply the same urgency to our faith. These templates are made to help you be intentional with your faith. 

Notion Templates to be

Intentional With Your Faith

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